Once thought of as a big and intimidating surgery, neck lifts are becoming a very common procedure. These days, neck lift surgery helps remove excess slump in the neck region, which ends up giving a person a larger bodily exterior. A neck lift surgery will provide an individual with a slimmer and a much younger appearance. People usually combine a neck lift with a face lift in order to create a more balanced appearance above their shirt collars.
What is a Neck Lift?
Neck lifts are surgical procedures which help reduce excessive fat in the neck region in order to leave the patient with a slender and firm appearance. In the neck lift procedure, the surgeon makes a series of small incisions or cuts behind the ears and under the chin in order to drain out the excess fat deposits from under the patient’s neck skin and also to pull the skin tight from behind the ears and chin after the completion of the procedure. Once this skin has been pulled tight the surgeon will then stitch the incisions or cuts and cut off any excess skin. Patients usually feel some discomfort for the first day or two after completion of the surgery however, in general, neck lifts are considered to be painless. Once you have found the perfect physician and have discussed your medical history and shared your expectations, it is time to discuss the different types of surgery so that you can make a choice that works for you because there are several different ways that the neck lift surgery can be performed. The most widespread and common ones are:
• Cervicoplasty
This procedure particularly targets excessive neck skin. This phenomenon can be caused by a genetic disposition or a recent drop in weight.
• Platysmaplasty
This procedure tightens up, reconstructs and removes loose neck muscles that give the area a droopy and old appearance. This operation is recommended for people who have "turkey necks," which occur when an individual's neck muscles start to loosen up.
• Neck Liposuction
This procedure involves removing extra neck fat from the area. Neck liposuction is recommended for individuals who are overweight and have excessive fat in the neck region.
Despite the fact that these three surgical procedures are common neck lifts, there is another method of tightening up the neck area without having to undergo surgery, and that is Botox injections. Botox injections are used to reduce the appearance of ‘bands’ which are like lines that run vertically between the chin and the base of the neck. The Botox attacks the platysma muscle, which diminishes the appearance of these lines on the neck, called bands.
A neck lift alone normally takes roughly two to three hours to complete, with a ten to fourteen day recovery time after the operation. The cost of a neck lift varies depending on the extent of the procedure that you have done. On average, a neck lift costs between $5,000.00 to $8,000.00.
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